It's time for the press to stop bringing up Barack Obama's race whenever his name is mentioned. It's only been one day, and it's already getting tiring. For one thing, Obama is bi-racial. His mother was white and his father was African American.
But that doesn't matter. What matters is whether or not he is the right person for the job. I don't give a rats ass if he's green, pink, tan, black, or bluish purple. Yes, it is a big deal to be the first obviously bi-racial president - I'm not denying that (reportedly, there have been others, but they were "mostly white").
In any event, the leadup to this election has been in the works for a long time. At one point, in some city, we must have had the first black mayor. And I'm sure that was big news at the time. I'm not sure who/when/where it was - but no one bats an eye anymore when a black man (or woman, or Chinese, or Indian) is elected