How’s that for a title to a blog post? So what do you think ... does the pope believe in god?
Seriously. The one thing we can be sure of is that the pope believes in power, influence, control, politics – and huge amounts of wealth. And he gets all of those things by making sure that OTHERS believe that there is a god.
It’s a great system – the church has countless laborers all across the globe who have embraced a life of poverty, yet they spend their time recruiting new members and collecting donations for the church. Sure, half of it gets used for local charity, and some (certainly not all) of these projects actually do some good, but a large percentage of the money goes all the way to the top. It’s the greatest scam ever invented! Way better than any other pyramid scheme – they’ve even managed to make it tax deductable!
I’m not saying the pope isn’t a smart guy. It does take a certain degree of intelligence to work your way to the top of such a powerful organization. But, as you probably know, the more intelligent someone is, the less likely they are to believe in god, and all the other fairy tales that the world’s religions make up for fun and profit.
I made a joke on another posting when I was “wondering why it seems that about 50% of the global population is below average intelligence.” (of course, half the people on the planet are below average – that applies to height, weight, foot size, as well as intelligence). But it really seems that the stupider someone is, the more fiercely religious they are.
I was copied on a widely broadcast email a few weeks ago, which was encouraging everyone to reject the new dollar coins being released by the U.S. Mint because – according to the email – the words “In God We Trust” has been removed from the new coins (which unfortunately is untrue – it’s just printed on the edge rather than on the face of the coin. And there WAS a batch that was erroneously minted without it, but they were quickly recalled). Anyway, as the distribution included a few hundred email addresses in it, I took it upon myself to reply to everyone (using Bcc of course) stating that our government has a clear separation of church and state, and having those words on our currency borders on un-constitutional behavior. Interestingly, every “supporting” reply I got back was very well written and clearly articulated – and every single “dissenting opinion” email I received was filled with spelling errors, horrible grammar, and in general were very poorly written.
Yep, these are PRIME targets for the religions of the world. Easy to manipulate, and easy to enrage about every little issue – which makes them easy to control.
Lest you think I’m just picking on the Catholics – all religions are the same when it comes to spreading this fantastic god story. But the Catholics have really fine tuned the business side of their organization in a way that makes the mafia jealous. You would not believe the billions that they rake in!
Look at it this way: the church has a product to sell. For just a small offering, you can be absolved of all your sins! Wow! It’s so easy! Just look at all the priests who spend their days molesting little boys and girls, but it doesn’t matter – they’ve been forgiven. Have you murdered someone? No problem. Just pay up and call it a day. It’s no wonder so many people are willing to believe.
As a young boy, I remember being told that the belief in god gives people moral guidance. What a load of rubbish! Even at seven years old, I knew this wasn’t true. Now, I’ve come to realize that the opposite is true. There are people who have a high degree of ethics and moral fiber, and people who don’t. And the people who don’t are MUCH more likely to get ensnared in the trap of religion. It doesn’t make them better people. Religion just makes them feel better about their bad deeds.
Soon, hopefully, the people of the world will come to their senses and reject the notion of a god, just as the belief in the old Roman and Greek gods went by the wayside. The churches will lose their following (as well as their power and money), and maybe some of them will admit that it was just a way to control and pacify the weak minded.
In the meantime, the pope continues to spread the “word of god” ... which he more than likely doesn’t believe in himself.