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I'm writing the first entry to my new blog on the day before the Presidential Election, 2008. Whew, what a mess!
As you'll find within these pages, I have absolutely NO allegiance to either political party - but I share the nation's disgust with the mess that the Republican Party has made of things. On a personal level, I could never vote for John McCain - he is a whiney little weasel, and his whole demeanor is not what I would expect from a seasoned politician and presidential candidate. His whole "let me tell you something my friends" shtick makes me feel like I'm listening to a used car salesman. I went in to the campaign season with an open mind, but I was REALLY turned off by McCain during the first debate. First off, when backed into a corner with a very logical and well presented argument, he always came back with a very condescending response - trying to make it look like it was Obama who didn't understand the issue. Obviously, logic and reason don't matter much to him. I found it very insulting.
But the real capper was one sentence during the debate. When talking about budget issues, McCain said something to the effect of "I will cut anything that is not defense or entitlement related."
WRONG ANSWER! If you add up defense, entitlements, and interest payments on the debt (which obviously is going to go up), you are already well over 80% of the budget! This means he could cut EVERYTHING else - education, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, NASA - and still not make the budget targets. Not even close. The two things that need to be cut dramatically are entitlements and defense - and I mean DRAMATICALLY cut. I'll go into detail on these in another post.
Ok then - how about that Sarah Palin? The only good thing about Sarah Palin is that she has given the world's comedians their best material since Dan Quayle. First off, the entire state of Alaska has a population about the size of Austin Texas. Think about this - it's not a very good testament to the scope of her experience. And to top it off, she really hasn't been on the job very long. Secondly, she has abused every slightest bit of power that has been given to her. She does not have any moral or ethical fiber. Everything from billing the state for "travel" days when she was at home, to lying about her support of "the bridge to nowhere" project, to the whole troopergate fiasco. Sure, you expect the media to dig up every bit of dirt during a campaign like this, no matter how small. But it all points to an appalling pattern, namely abuse of power and a lack of ethics. Just because no one is monitoring your expense account doesn't mean you are free to pad your expenses - especially in a public office. And finally, her blathering during the vice-presidential debate about expanding the role of the Vice President's office. Ok, so she's never read the constitution, not many Americans have - but Joe Biden showed GREAT restraint in his reply. He could have embarrassed her pretty badly with her obvious lack of knowledge about the job she is applying for.
No matter, it looks like it's going to be an Obama landslide. It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow. My projection is that Obama will take 350 electoral votes.
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